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Soins et accompagnements

Les Tarifs des soins 2024

Soin Quantique :  150 €
Durée : 1h00 à 1h30 (selon la problématique) 

Ce soin est très puissant et  profond,  il comprend un nettoyage énergétique global et  libère les blessures profondes, les mémoires de votre lignée familiale et karmiques (vies antérieures). 
Il est ma spécialité.
Il vous permet de totalement changer votre fréquence vibratoire afin de désormais vous aligner à votre être profond. C'est un soin transformateur.
Durant ce soin je canalise vos guides afin d'obtenir un éclairage de vie, une guidance.

Je propose toujours des soins énergétiques "classiques" pour les humains et les animaux, ces soins sont à 50 € pour 45mn.

Mais je vous invite à essayer le soin quantique là où de grandes

transformations interviennent.

Lors de ces soins, j'utilise ma médiumnité et  ma capacité à lire les anales akashiques et naviguer dans vos vies antérieures.

Je suis une thérapeute holistique, une thérapeute de l'âme.

L'énergie universelle qui émane des corps vivants, des minéraux et d'autres éléments présents dans la nature est aussi appelé fluide vital, fluide éthérique, fluide céleste ou encore fluide animal...Nous sommes constitués à 99,999999999% d'énergie !

Cette énergie dont nous sommes tous constitués est un fluide puissant et bienfaisant, cette force de vie qui permet de ramener un corps à l'équilibre, à le réharmoniser et donc y rétablir la santé.

En effet, toute insuffisance ou blocage d'énergie dans le corps entraînera un problème physique, psychologique ou émotionnel qui pourra être corrigé par différents procédés tels que le contact direct par imposition des mains ou par des passes au dessus du corps ou des parties malades.

L'énergie  agit à tous les niveaux : physique, émotionnel, psychique et spirituel, il revitalise  et transforme l'organisme dans sa globalité, on soigne le corps mais aussi l'esprit. J'aime ainsi souvent citer Platon qui déjà disait : " On ne peut guérir la partie sans soigner le tout. On ne doit pas soigner le corps séparé de l'âme. C'est une erreur fondamentale des médecins d'aujourd'hui"

Cette énergie vitale augmente ou diminue en fonction de notre mode de vie, de nos émotions, de nos schémas de pensées. Un manque d'énergie vitale dans le corps  y entraîne des dysfonctionnements. 

Le corps est équipé d'un système naturel d'auto-guérison mais ce système peut parfois avoir du mal à se mettre en marche lorsqu'un déséquilibre important survient.

In the quantum field, morphic field or even informational field depending on the name,  everything is already there and everything is already done, there is neither time nor space and everything is therefore available to everyone. from U.S.

Just go "download" in some way the information or resource you need while respecting the vibration of the soul and the plan of the spirit.

It is the world of tomorrow already manifested.

It's entering into the magic of the universe and learning to communicate with it in HIS language!

The language of the universe is vibration, frequency!

It is therefore a question of entering into resonance with this informational field for oneself and then to make the people we accompany benefit from it, it is incredibly powerful! and a transformation for the better assured. It's seizing the magic of the world and manifesting its reality, it's making sure to realize what we incarnated for, it's putting an end to inner struggles and giving meaning to one's life._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

At the end of this trip, you feel alive, vibrant and in control of your life... You do all this with an ease and ease hitherto unknown. 

Each human being has within himself  the ability to interact with the field through the intermediary of the consciousness and the electromagnetic power of the heart, the soul knows perfectly how to do it! Just connect to it and let the magic happen.


This is what thrills and excites me and I could talk about it for hours!!

I therefore offer you different formulas to bring you into my universe and allow you to access the mastery of these quantum practices; either individually at my office through personalized support/care, face-to-face during training at theMoulin Holistic Center in Clèresin Normandy.

If you feel this powerful call from your soul to access more power and transformation, contact me! You didn't come to me by chance!

  This vital energy increases or decreases depending on our lifestyle, our emotions, our thought patterns. A lack of vital energy in the body   leads to malfunctions there. 

The body is equipped with a natural system of self-healing but this system can sometimes have trouble getting started when a major imbalance occurs.

The   treatment is there to help the body restart its natural capacity for self-healing.

An energy or vibration treatment relieves the nervous system (depression, anxieties, anxiety), soothes pain, promotes healing, very clearly improves skin problems (acne, eczema, psoriasis, shingles, burns, etc.) it consolidates fractures , relieves back or muscle tension, improves the quality of sleep, it tones all the organs.

Quantum healing releases buried wounds, emotional and energetic blockages and promotes the development of self-knowledge. It can also help to get rid of tobacco or any other addiction.

Energy healing or quantum healing: 

During a session, I do a complete control and rehabilitation of the entire structure and functioning of the energy system but I also navigate in your different spaces since we are all multi-dimensional beings_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

- The vibratory rate of the person 

- The operating status of your centers

- The right place of energy bodies: off-center or deformed

- Control of the overall circulation of energy in the body (anchoring, centering, “holes” often caused by surgical operations, bruises or knots present, energy leaks, blockages…. .)

- Search for the possible presence of nuisances or entities

- Search for blockages, locks, conflicts, traumas and buried emotions at the origin of ill-being and illnesses.

- Energies blocked by ancestral memories or restrictive patterns of life

- Search for external elements in the patient's environment that disrupt health: disorders caused by excessive exposure to electromagnetic waves,   heavy metals or even disorders of geo-biological origin.

Once this global check has been carried out, I proceed with the treatment.

This is about cleaning and repairing the energy system (the bodies: physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual)

I rebalance and refocus these bodies   by correcting the shifts or deformations.

I repair tears, holes or energy leaks.

I harmonize and balance the chakras.

I eliminate blockages and knots that hinder the flow of energy in the body.


After this big cleanse I send new energy into the body and new “information” to rectify wrong health patterns.

  By navigating your spaces, I connect to events, traumatic situations   lived or family memories, thought patterns, "previous" or "parallel" lives "  and resistances to eliminate them.  

All buried emotions, cellular and karmic memories end up being imprinted in the body, causing   discomforts and illnesses and preventing the person from expressing their full potential. It is therefore necessary to   to blow all this up. 

All these treatment techniques   remain "accompanying therapies" to traditional allopathic medicine and do not replace it but complement it in an admirable way.


Even though we have common techniques, no healer does the same thing and you shouldn't worry about that. The therapist's own feelings and personality come into play. 

These treatments can, depending on your choice, be carried out face-to-face or remotely and all you have to do is contact me to make an appointment.

Care for animals: 

Consisting of the same energy as us, I also take care of animals and they are also excellent patients since they do not have the mental barrier! They feel ! and that's all. They are also extremely grateful for the care provided!

Étoiles d'hiver

My treatments..My universe

Bienvenue dans le Sanctuaire de L'âme

Un espace pour retrouver qui on est vraiment et déployer enfin son plein potentiel

In the quantum field, morphic field or even informational field depending on the name,  everything is already there and everything is already done, there is neither time nor space and everything is therefore available to everyone. from U.S.

Just go "download" in some way the information or resource you need while respecting the vibration of the soul and the plan of the spirit.

It is the world of tomorrow already manifested.

It's entering into the magic of the universe and learning to communicate with it in HIS language!

The language of the universe is vibration, frequency!

It is therefore a question of entering into resonance with this informational field for oneself and then to make the people we accompany benefit from it, it is incredibly powerful! and a transformation for the better assured. It's seizing the magic of the world and manifesting its reality, it's making sure to realize what we incarnated for, it's putting an end to inner struggles and giving meaning to one's life._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

At the end of this trip, you feel alive, vibrant and in control of your life... You do all this with an ease and ease hitherto unknown. 

Each human being has within himself  the ability to interact with the field through the intermediary of the consciousness and the electromagnetic power of the heart, the soul knows perfectly how to do it! Just connect to it and let the magic happen.


This is what thrills and excites me and I could talk about it for hours!!

I therefore offer you different formulas to bring you into my universe and allow you to access the mastery of these quantum practices; either individually at my office through personalized support/care, face-to-face during training at theMoulin Holistic Center in Clèresin Normandy.

If you feel this powerful call from your soul to access more power and transformation, contact me! You didn't come to me by chance!

Les différentes possibilités d'accompagnement : 


Qu'est ce que vos guides ont à vous dire ?

C'est une canalisation de vos guides dont je vous fais un retour par mail ou par le biais d'un enregistrement vocal.

00:00 / 01:25


Chemin de vie

Qu'êtes vous venu faire sur cette planète ? Quelle est l'essence de votre âme et votre chemin de vie ?

00:00 / 04:01



Passez de chenille à papillon ! Découvrez vos cadeaux divins, vos dons de naissance dont vous n'avez pas encore conscience. Transformez-vous afin de vous réaligner à votre âme et vivre la meilleure version de vous même. Vivez enfin de ce vous êtes ! 

00:00 / 05:12


Je répond aux questions les plus fréquentes concernant ces accompagnements et que faut-il en attendre ? :  

00:00 / 07:15
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